
Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk and Zephaniah is unavailable, but you can change that!

These prophets were writing during the seventh and eighth century B.C.. The major prophetic themes of the destruction of Israel’s enemies, the judgment of God upon Israel when she turns from him, and the peace that would result from living in harmony with God, are all here. There are also Messianic and future prophetic themes, such as the eternal reign of a king from the line of David (Micah) and...

light of his technique of finishing one matter before proceeding to the next even if that disrupts the temporal sequence, it is difficult to draw any conclusions from it as regards the order of events. The most plausible scenario seems to be that when it was obvious that there was widespread repentance among the people, Jonah realised that this would lead to the exercise of divine compassion. He then uttered the words of 4:1–4 in the city probably not long after the end of the three days. He subsequently
Pages 66–67